Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can You imagine life without sex?

Today's World All Are Interested In Sex.

Let's talking about sex!!

If your sex life isn’t fulfilling, there are steps you can take to make it better. A good start is talking to your partner about how you feel.

Why talk is good?

Communication is important in any healthy relationship because it lets you share your feelings and tackle problems together. This is also true of your sex life, especially if something is worrying you. “It’s often when a problem goes underground that people start to worry about what might be wrong. That’s when a distance arises in the day-to-day relationship.”“A lot of couples say that they’ve got good communication, but when it comes to their sexual relationship, they’re less able to communicate,“This might be partly because they’re not sure how their partner might react, and partly because of their own attitudes and embarrassment about asking for their needs to be met.”

Teen Sex and Teen Sexuality - What Your Teen Needs to Know About Sex

The subject of teen sex often scares parents of teenagers. Here you will learn how to talk to your teen about sex and teen sexuality. Why it's important to keep the lines of communication open when faced with the issues of teen sex. We also have resources and more information on teen sexuality including teen pregnancy, menstruation, puberty, AIDS and much more.